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Denver Magick Maker's Market

Ant Life Space, 2150 Market Street, Denver

What's cooler than a psychedelic art gallery with live ant farms? How about all that plus a bunch of super kind creatives sharing their arts and crafts and magical things of all shapes and sizes! These events are fabulous! I have to remind myself I'm there to work and not to shop and buy some of everything. It's all so good! You can't find these types off treasures in stores and bonus the actual artist is usually there being a human and happy to chat with you about their process or whatever you like. The crew who runs DMMM are a phenomenal group of humans centered in love and peace but absolutely well versed in the light and dark sides of life. Inspiration flows and mystical notions abound! Expect the unexpected but I guarantee your senses will be delighted as you explore the many varieties of whimsy, fantasy, beauty, love, desire, shiny things, shrooms, crystals, witchy tools, faery finds, soft squishy comforting lovelies, the dreamiest teas, scents hand crafted by sorceresses and wizards, art galore, cats cats and more cats, rainbows in an array of formats, unicorns, dragons, misunderstood mythical creatures, trinkets, bobbles, thingamajigs, infinity stones, homages to death, balms for the living, and just about anything you could imagine or need to enhance your life on a daily basis. Seriously so totally magical. This event is free, all are welcome, we are conjuring you and would love for you to join us, join us, join us...

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