Crazy love or just crazy?

I watched a documentary recently called "Crazy Love." Wow, really bizarre! I don't want to tell you much about it because it was really well put together & suspenseful & shocking. The things people do are amazing and sometimes just unbelievable.

    That said, I also haven't shared any lolcats for awhile so here are a few to lighten your face...cheer up sunshine, happiness is but a smile away!

funny pictures of cats with captions
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funny pictures of cats with captions
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funny pictures of cats with captions
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for shesha...
funny pictures of cats with captions
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they said ninja :)
funny pictures of cats with captions
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funny pictures of cats with captions
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funny pictures of cats with captions
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reminds me of Reynolds Hall & hangin' w/Er...meow!
funny pictures of cats with captions
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funny pictures of cats with captions
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funny pictures of cats with captions
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funny pictures of cats with captions
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funny pictures of cats with captions
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funny pictures of cats with captions
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funny pictures of cats with captions
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funny pictures of cats with captions
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Here I iz Kittehs!!!

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